100% Renewable Energy Discussion with Gabrielle Stebbins
Traverse City, MI – Traverse City Light & Power welcomes Gabrielle Stebbins, Board Chair of Vermont’s Burlington Electric Commission, who will be speaking to the Board and community members on what strategies and key ingredients are needed to move forward from policy, to programs to eventual implementation of a 100% renewable energy goal.
As current Board Chair of Vermont’s largest municipal electric utility, Ms. Stebbins has extensive experience in the development of policy and programs that promote renewable energy, energy efficiency and strategic electrification. She works as a Senior Consultant for Energy Futures Group and is a member of the American Public Power Association’s Policy Committee. In past roles she has been the Director of Vermont’s statewide renewable energy industry trade association as well as a member of Vermont’s statewide System Planning Committee which is a collaboration of statewide stakeholders addressing electric grid reliability planning.
Ms. Stebbins has provided strategic direction on maintaining the Burlington Electric Department’s 100% renewably-sourced portfolio and more recently, the City’s Net Zero Energy Roadmap that sets a course to achieve the goal of reducing and eventually eliminating fossil fuel use from the heating and ground transportation sectors.
Through her experience, Ms. Stebbins brings with her an understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in shifting to a bi-directional, customer-driven, renewably-powered grid. She is adroit in working with multiple interested parties – utilities, renewable energy businesses, efficiency service providers, environmental advocates, and regulators – and knows that collaboration and partnerships among all stakeholders is needed to ensure success.
The presentation will take place on Tuesday, February 11, 2020, 5:15 p.m. at a TCL&P Board Study Session in the Commissioner Chambers, Governmental Center, 400 Boardman Avenue.
Click HERE to view the presentation.
Contact: Kelli Schroeder, Manager of HR & Communications, 231.932.4545, kschroeder@tclp.org