Home Energy Saver
The Home Energy Saver enables you to pinpoint the best ways to use less energy in your home or business. The Home Energy Saver features an on-line program that quickly calculates energy use and savings opportunities based on a description of your home or business, the age and usage of appliances and many other factors. By entering information on building specifications, heating and cooling systems, appliances, lighting, and more, you’ll receive customized results along with energy-saving recommendations.
The Home Energy Saver will also connect you to an expanding array of “how-to” information resources, including a dynamic information base unparalleled by resources that could be published on static electronic media. The Home Energy Saver offers a host of links to practical information, ranging from lists of specific energy-efficient products … to tips about selecting a good contractor … to information on what assistance your utility might have to offer.
Visit Website and start finding the best ways to save energy and money.