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Assembly II Solar Project Commences Commercial Operation

April 7, 2022

E. Shaw Renewable Investments (DESRI) in partnership with Ranger Power, a Chicago-based utility-scale solar development company has announced the completion and commercial operation of the Assembly II Solar Project in Shiawassee County. This project, in addition to Assembly Solar I (completed in 2020), makes up the largest installed solar array in Michigan. Traverse City Light and Power (TCL&P) is proud to be a part of the Assembly II Project, which will generate enough energy to power 22,500 Michigan homes each year, according to the project’s developers in a recent press release.

TCL&P works collectively with other municipally owned utilities through the Michigan Public Power Agency (MPPA), a not-for-profit joint action agency, to share energy supply and related services to lower costs, reduce risks, and leverage expertise. Through MPPA, TCL&P joins 13 other Michigan communities in this exciting renewable project. “The Assembly Solar Project is part of MPPA’s continued commitment to clean, safe, and affordable energy for the residents and businesses we serve throughout Michigan,” said Patrick Bowland, chief executive officer of MPPA. MPPA, through the support and commitment of its Member communities, has executed approximately $1 billion toward the purchase of renewable energy in the last decade to help its Members achieve their environmental goals.

 “TCL&P is pleased to partner with other municipal utilities in Michigan through MPPA to provide our customers with reliable, cost-effective, and environmentally responsible power supply through a diversified portfolio of resources,” said Brandie Ekren, TCL&P Executive Director. “As a Public Power utility, we’re proud to be able to offer our community with rates that are, across Michigan, an average of 25% less than non-community owned utilities. Projects like Assembly Solar help to ensure our services remain affordable.” TCL&P began providing electricity to local residents and businesses 110 years ago and is community-owned and operated.

Michigan Public Power Agency