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TCLP Executive Director, Tim Arends, Receives 2020 FTTXcellence Award

Award Recognizes Significant Contributions to Fiber Broadband Deployment

December 15, 2020

Media contact: Kelli Schroeder, Manager of HR & Communications, 231-932-4545,

TRAVERSE CITY, MI.Traverse City Light & Power (TCL&P) today announced that Tim Arends, TCL&P Executive Director, has been recognized with the 2020 FTTXcellence Award for his significant contribution in deploying TCLPfiberSM, the utility’s new gigabit, fiber-to-the-premise service. The award was presented today by sponsors Corning Inc. and Lightwave Magazine during the virtual Fiber Connect conference hosted by the Fiber Broadband Association.

“From remote work to telehealth to distance learning, 2020 has demonstrated like never before why robust broadband connections are important to a community. Corning is proud to work with visionaries such as Tim Arends and his team at Traverse City Light and Power who recognize the substantial benefits a community enjoys when you bring fiber to the people,” said Bob Whitman, vice president of carrier market development, Corning, Inc.

“This year has been a daily reminder of the importance of staying connected. As more businesses and homes come online through TCLPfiber services, it is an affirmation that we have invested wisely in the future. I am very proud of the work that our team is doing to deliver enhanced smart services and spur economic growth for the community,” said Tim Arends, executive director, Traverse City Light and Power.

In recognition of this award, Corning is making a donation in Tim Arend’s name to US Ignite, a non-profit organization working to deploy novel broadband technology solutions to both rural and urban underserved communities.

About TCL&P

Traverse City Light & Power ( is a community-owned, community-focused municipal utility that offers reliable energy at low rates in the region to over 12,700 customers in Traverse City and parts of East Bay, Elmwood, Garfield and Peninsula townships. The utility now offers TCLPfiber, all-fiber, gigabit internet and digital voice services. TCL&P created the TCLPfiber network to bring its residential and commercial customers the benefits of telecommuting, distance learning, telemedicine, and smart grid technology – to enhance their quality of life and make Traverse City a better place to live, work, and play.

Traverse City Light & Power (and design) and TCLPfiber, are registered service marks. All rights reserved. All other company mentioned herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Information provided in this media alert is accurate at time of publication and is subject to change without advance notice.
