TCLP Public Power Coloring Contest
Thursday, August 31, 2023
Contact: Hannah Duell, Communications Specialist, (231) 932-4544,
TRAVERSE CITY, MI. – Traverse City Light and Power (TCLP) invites you to join us in celebrating Public Power Week, October 1-7, 2023, along with more than 2,000 other community-powered, not-for-profit electric utilities that collectively provide electricity to 49 million Americans.
Through the Public Power Coloring Contest, we wish to engage students and the community in a way that will enhance interest and understanding of the role that efficient, safe, reliable, and affordable electricity plays in powering our community. The contest winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift card and may be featured in MMEA’s Currents magazine! Check it out at
The contest is open to participants in grades 1st – 4th as of the Fall of 2023. The Submission must be received by Friday, September 22, 2023. For more information and details on how to participate, visit TCLP’s events page at
Traverse City Light & Power ( is a community-owned, community-focused municipal utility that offers reliable energy at low rates in the region to over 12,700 customers in Traverse City, and parts of East Bay, Elmwood, Garfield, and Peninsula townships. Now offering TCLPfiber, an all-fiber, gigabit internet service.