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Power Outages: 231-922-4940

Underground Project 7th Street between South Elmwood Avenue and Kids Creek

For Immediate Release: June 26, 2024

Contact: Steven Richardson, Engineering Technician, 231-932-4564

Dear Valued Utility Customer,

In an effort to improve reliability, Traverse City Light & Power (TCLP) will be converting a portion of its primary service to underground along the rear lot line of 7th Street between South Elmwood Avenue and Kids Creek.  This work will include the installation of underground conduit and primary wire, the removal of overhead primary wire and transformers, and the installation of new padmount transformers and pedestals.  Poles from which the primary wire has been removed will be topped to the communications level providing for shorter pole height in this area.  Customers in the project area can expect to see line crews with bucket trucks, line trucks, and excavating equipment.  The vast majority of the digging will occur in the City’s property south of the homes to install the new underground line and equipment.  TCLP will perform site restoration after the project, which will include raking of the trenched area and installation of dirt and grass seed.  

This work will require outages at different times throughout the project area; these will be scheduled with advance notification made to those customers affected.  A small portion of this work is scheduled to begin on Monday, July 1, related to an individual service, while work for the overall project is anticipated to begin on Monday, July 8, and is scheduled to be completed by Friday, July 19, barring issues with weather or unforeseen circumstances. 

If you have any questions about the project, please contact Steven Richardson, Engineering Technician, at 231-932-4564.  For questions regarding the scheduling of the project, please contact Stephanie Tvardek, Scheduling & Operations Coordinator, at 231-932-4565.