Fall Yard Work: TCLP’s Safety Tips
Fall is approaching, so keep these safety tips in mind as the temperatures begin to dip and activities move inside. The following safety tips will help you stay safe during the change of seasons:
Store tools properly
Safely store warm-weather tools like lawnmowers and trimmers. Check cold weather tools, such as leaf and snow blowers, along with their power cords, for unusual wear and tear. Repair or replace worn tools or parts right away.
Gutter Maintenance
Use caution with ladders near power lines while cleaning gutters or performing roof maintenance.
Unplug when not in use
Unplug and safely store battery chargers that won’t be in use again until spring.
Use weatherproof devices
Use only weatherproof electrical devices for outside activities. Protect outdoor electrical devices from moisture. Make sure wet electrical equipment is inspected and reconditioned by a certified repair dealer.
Keep electrical area clear
Keep dry leaves swept away from outdoor lighting, outlets, and power cords.
#Fallsafety #TCLP #Traversecity #Safetytip #fallsafetytips #TCLPutility #Electricutility